Setup Trix for production

Install dependencies

  1. Python 2.7.X. Check your current version by running python --version.
  2. PIP
  3. VirtualEnv
  4. PostgreSQL server — not needed if you just want to build the docs.

Create or select a user that you want to run the Trix server

We recommend using a normal user with no admin/root/sudo privileges to run Trix. You should perform the rest of the steps in this guide as this new user.

Make a directory where you will install trix

This directory MUST NOT be served by a http server like apache. It should be a well protected local directory only acceccible to the user running Trix. Example:

$ mkdir ~/trixdeploy

We will refer to your trix deploy directory as ~/trixdeploy for the rest of this guide.

Install Trix

$ cd ~/trixdeploy
$ virtualenv venv
$ venv/bin/pip install psycopg2 dj-static trix

Create a Django management script

Copy this script into ~/trixdeploy/

import os
import sys

if __name__ == "__main__":
    os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"] = "trix_settings"
    from import execute_from_command_line


Trix is configured through a file. Start by copying the following into ~/trixdeploy/

from trix.project.production.settings import *
import dj_database_url

# Make this 50 chars and RANDOM - do not share it with anyone

# Database config
DATABASE_URL = 'sqlite:///trixdb.sqlite'
DATABASES = {'default': dj_database_url.config(default=DATABASE_URL)}

# Set this to False to turn of debug mode in production
DEBUG = False


To enable LDAP authenication, would need to include an authenication backend with LDAP support, the URI for the LDAP server and its DN template, and possiblely some customization to adjust for how the usernames are stored in Trix’s database.

As an example, the settings for UiO would need to adjust for the LDAP username not being a full email adresse by overwriting ldap_to_django_username() and django_to_ldap_username() functions of django_auth_ldap.backend.LDAPBackend.

Add the following to you file (but adjust the DN template):

AUTH_LDAP_USER_DN_TEMPLATE = 'uid=hei,cn=people,dc=uio,dc=no'

Create a as follows (but adjust the email suffix):

from django_auth_ldap.backend import LDAPBackend

class TrixUioLDAPBackend(LDAPBackend):
    def ldap_to_django_username(self, username):
        return u'{}'.format(username)

    def django_to_ldap_username(self, username):
        return username.split('@')[0]

Make sure it works

Just to make sure everything works, run:

$ cd ~/trixdeploy/
$ venv/bin/python syncdb --noinput

This should create a file named ~/trixdeploy/trixdb.sqlite. You can remove that file now - it was just for testing.

Collect static files

Run the following command to collect all static files (CSS, javascript, …) for Trix:

$ venv/bin/python collectstatic

The files are written to the staticfiles sub-directory (~/trixdeploy/staticfiles).

Configure a database

Configure a Postgres database by editing the DATABASE_URL setting in your script. The format is:


Configure a SECRET_KEY

Configure the SECRET_KEY (used for cryptographic signing) by editing the SECRET_KEY setting in your script. Make it a 50 characters long random string.

Disable debug mode

Before running Trix in production, you must set DEBUG=False in


If you do not disable DEBUG mode in production, you database credentials and SECRET_KEY will be shown to any visitor when they encounter an error.

Run the production server

$ DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=trix_settings venv/bin/gunicorn trix.project.production.wsgi -b --workers=12 --preload

You can adjust the number of worker threads in the --workers argument, and the port number in the -b argument. You can run this on port 80, but if you want to have SSL support, you will need to use a HTTP proxy server like Apache og Nginx.