Getting started with the Django app and/or the documentation

Install the requirements

Install the following:

  1. Python2.7
  2. PIP
  3. VirtualEnv
  4. virtualenvwrapper
  5. gettext for Django translations

#. nodejs and npm for our clientside stuff .. #. libjpeg, liblcms1, libfreetype6 and zlib for the required format support in Pillow

Install the system packages on OSX with Homebrew

$ brew install npm nodejs

You will also have to add gettext to your path if you want to be able to update translation strings. You can either run brew link gettext --force, or add /usr/local/Cellar/gettext/SOMETHING/bin/ to your path.

Install the system packages on Ubuntu

$ sudo apt-get install npm nodejs

Install in a virtualenv

Create a virtualenv (an isolated Python environment):

$ mkvirtualenv trix


Whenever you start a new shell where you need to use the virtualenv we created with mkvirtualenv above, you have to run:

$ workon trix

Install the development requirements:

$ pip install -r requirements/develop.txt

Run npm install (include -g if you want global):

$ inv npm-install

Run bower install:

$ inv bower-install

Finally build the static files:

$ inv grunt-build

Create a database

See Using and creating database dumps.

Build the docs

Enable the virtualenv, and run:

$ cd docs/
$ inv docs

Then open _build/index.html in a browser.